Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A poem & a testimony

Love is patient, Love is kind,
In Jesus Christ, find Love divine,
A greater Love you will not find.

With all your heart, let True love shine.
By trusting in God’s only Son!
In Jesus Christ, find Love divine.

God’s promise cannot be undone,
Lord Jesus Christ, God’s glory now.
Trust in the one and only Son!

For most of my life, I didn’t know anything about a relationship with a personal and merciful God. One of the greatest things I struggled with was pride - in the form of self-sufficiency, self-reliance, and trusting only in me, myself and I! I also carried around shame and guilt from my childhood which I kept completely to myself. I focused all of my energy on my education and career. In all honesty, my priorities had always been 1) career, 2) self, 3) children, 4) my marriage.

Due to emotional stress, I began to drink frequently. Each evening after a 10 hour day at work, I would have glass after glass of wine. It did not interfere with my work, however; my inner thoughts were in a tailspin. I was struggling inside with debilitating and defeating thoughts of intense worry, fear of abandonment, fear of the loss of a loved one, lustful thoughts and coveting (other people’s things, their appearance, their relationships). What appeared fine on the outside was really just a mask for
the b
ig hole in my heart.
More here.

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