Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Q & A

Question from Aaron: God and the Future?

This is similar to another question earlier, but very different.

First, God put Adam with the Trees of Truth and Immortality. Then, when Adam and Eve ate the fruit. He became angered and worried--as if it wasn't supposed to happen. Why would he be worried if he knew that is what was going to happen? Does this mean that he set things up and let them work themselves out? This is really bugging me and I need more insight.

Answer from Stan:

Aaron, Good question. If you are new to the Bible, a good place to start is the gospel of John.
God gave man a free will just because he didn't want us to be like Robots.
When God created man, he was innocent. God's plan for man was that he would be Holy or whole.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil & the tree of life were meant as a test for man. God had warned him earlier that if he could eat of the fruits of the thousands of trees around him but of the tree of knowledge of evil, he was not to eat of it. If Adam obeyed God, he would have passed the test and become holy, instead he chose to eat of the fruit .

God was not mad at him at all, but sad because there were consequences for Adams actions. Since God is omniscient meaning he knows all things before they happen in time, he knew that Adam would make the wrong choice and that he would have to help Adam out of the mess. That's why the Bible tells us that Christ, God's son was slain before Adam was created.

Question from DD: What about the stars christians?

Some Christians say that the earth is only 6,000-8,000 years old.

Yet there are stars that are many hundreds of thousands even millions of light-years away from us. The fact that we can see them at all proves that their light has traveled for more than a million years.

Did god do this so we could have a nice light show... wouldn't this cause us to have extreme doubt in him ... or is it the devils evil doing?

How old do you believe the earth to be?

(Me? i believe, like most scientists, that the Earth is around 4 Billion years old.)

Answer from Stan: The earth could be billions of years of age.
In the Beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and that could have been billions of years ago.
After the creation, something happened and God had to recreate the earth. The account that we see in Genesis 1 is the recreation of the earth.

"Yet there are stars that are many hundreds of thousands even millions of light-years away from us. The fact that we can see them at all proves that their light has traveled for more than a million years." Thanks and I agree.

Question from LottaLou

Does the Lord ask you to give your everything to Him? Even your most private?

Answer from Stan: The key to supreme happiness is in total surrender. :)

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